Publishing activity
St.-Petersburg State Theatre Library publishing activity began in 1892 with the support of “Emperor Theatres year-book” issue, containing information on repertoire, stagings, theatre companies staff and different notes.
In the period from 1918 to 1924 a number of magazines were published by the Library: “Petrograd Theatres year-book”, “Petrograd Theatres weekly”, “Herald of Petrograd Theatres”. The contents of magazines – theatre chronicles, publications made by actors and directors, letters and memoirs, supplementary sheets with current repertoire are of precious reference information.
In 1997 Theatre Library resumed publishing activities targeting to uncover the treasures of the funds. Currently next titles are being published: “Papers of Saint-Petersburg State Theatre Library”, periodical edition of archive materials “Theatre Heritage”, book series “Forgotten Petersburg”, “Russian drama library”, “Russian artistic chronicles”, “ӨEATRON: show theory and history”, bibliographic indexes and other reference editions.